Oregon Project Center connects you to your next project!
We provide you access to thousands of projects and the details, important dates, key contacts, documents and industry news you need to secure it. Our personalized leads database ensures a relevant flow of actionable building industry opportunities.
A continuous flow of verified, timely & complete project leads from across the Pacific NWOur platform delivers:
- 30 – new projects added each day
- 175 – sources of regional projects
- 250 – active leads seeking bids
- 293 – projects won by members each year
- 150,000+ – total projects and counting
Drive deeper insights with complete bid information, results, regional industry news and prospecting dataOur content encompasses:
- PROJECT INFO – scope, status, dates, contacts, documents, addendum & results
- RESULTS – winner, bidders, amounts & award status
- NEWS – latest headlines on relevant projects & prospect companies
- PROSPECTS – contact info, key data & ranked lists on potential clients & partners
Set preferences, track projects and use advanced search to ensure a relevant flow of projects and informationOur technology enables:
- PREFERENCES – filter projects by type, location, involved companies & more
- TAILORED COMMUNICATION – daily email with relevant projects, updates to tracked projects, results & news
- SEARCH – advanced search by type, CSI/NIGP, status, location, amount, company & more
- PROJECT TRACKING – personal page with key information & automated email updates for tracked projects
Forge deeper relationships with access to our established regional network of business leadersOur network offers:
- PROSPECTING TOOLS – news, data & contact info to amplify prospecting
- NETWORKING – exclusive access to latest networking, educational & recognition events in the region
- PARTNERSHIP – connect with potential project partners & industry resources
“One of the biggest challenges we face is getting the word out about our projects. This platform not only ensures our projects get seen, but that potential bidders are seeing the most up-to-date information.”
“As an owner-operator, I wear many hats throughout the day. The Project Center helps me focus my time on the projects that make the most sense for my company.”
“Last spring I was looking over the bid results in the Project Center when I noticed a contractor I’ve been going after for years won a complex multimillion-dollar project. I called them up to congratulate them and let him know I had some experience with the type of work.
It worked and now I do it with all my clients and key targets.”
“We’re a small firm that does a very specific type of consulting. I like the Project Center because it notifies me when there’s a project out of town that fits with our skillset.
It’s helped us expand our reach without having to hire more people or open a new office. ”
“6:30 AM – the daily email is the first thing I read every single morning while my coffee is still hot.”